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1. 他們怎麼說你並不重要,重要的是你自己要怎麼做。

Doesn't matter what they call you. It's the deeds make the man.

2. 你還不明白嗎? 這不是你的問題,是他們

on't you see? It's not about 's about them.

3. 這是個新的時代,傑克,不再需要職業殺手,我們都是生意人了。你和警長其實是一類人,你們都只是傳說。很快,人們就會認爲你是虛構的人物。最後一顆子彈殺死最後一個亡命之徒,多麼的合適啊。

This is a new era, jack. There's no need for professional killers. We're all in business. You and the sheriff are in the same class. You're just legends. Soon, people will think you are a fictional character. How fitting that last bullet killed the last outlaw.

4. 每個人都活在自己的故事裏,不必知道自己是誰,只需要知道自己需要做誰。

Everyone lives in their own story,don't know who they are,just know who they need to be.

5. 通往真知的道路 充滿了荊棘坎坷。

The path to knowledge is fraught with consequence.

6. 文明,沒有它我們什麼也不是。

Enlightenment. We are nothingwithout it.

7. 我都不知道自己要尋找的是什麼。我甚至不知道自己誰。他們以前都叫你無名氏呢。他們現在給所有東西都取了名。

I don't even know what I'm looking for any more.I don't even know who I used to call you the Man with No e days they got a name for just about everything.

8. 人的一生總會遇到猶豫不決,或遭受沉痛打擊.緊記 此時此刻 還有我.我會一直看着你。

There will be times when you doubt you feel pummelled by the cataclysms of life,remember this moment. Remember that I will be there watching you.

9. 沒人能擺脫自己的命運。

No man can walk out on his own story.

10. 我的朋友們信任我。可他們需要的是一個英雄。

My friends believed in me, but they need some kind of hero.

11. 路的另一邊,我們只能看到自己需要看到的。

On the other side of the road,we only see what we need to see.

12. 要是你渴望浪漫,我就是世上最好的情人

And if you desire romance, Iwill become the greatest lover the world has ever known!

13. 爲了滿足公衆的美好願望,英雄必須拋去自我,將自己塑造成 讓人永遠崇拜的偶像.

In order to satisfy the public's good will,the hero must abandon himself as an idol to be worshipped forever.

14. 我是誰? 我可以是任何人!

Who am I? I could be anyone.

15. 就去信任這塊牌子吧,只要它掛在那兒,我們就有希望。

Believe in that there sign. For as long as it hangs there we've got hope.