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1、You have to aim high。志當存高遠。


2、Annals not overmatch wisdom not of。志不強者智不達。

3、Give up the belief, is death。放棄信念,無異死亡。

4、The only true faith to happiness。只有信念使快樂真實。

5、The ideal is to dominate the world。理想是世界的主宰。

6、Brambling yasutomo lofty ambition is!燕雀安知鴻鵠之志哉!

7、People have faith is invincible。人有了堅定的信念纔是不可戰勝的。

8、Winter has come, can spring be far behind?冬天已經到來,春天還會遠嗎?

9、The day is too busy, no longer young。白日莫閒過,青春不再來。

10、The dark night is a prelude to the day。沉沉的黑夜都是白天的前奏。

11、People have faith, is invincible。人有了堅定的信念,纔是不可戰勝的。

12、Have faith is to pay a high price。產生信念是要付出很高的代價的。

13、Wonderfull Life not cost is not the。美好的生活不花代價是得不到的。

14、Selfishness winner, you can eliminate the public。私心勝者,可以滅公。

15、The ideal of life is to the ideal life。生活的理想,就是爲了理想的生活。

16、The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself。人生最困難的事情是認識自己。

17、The most terrible enemy, there is no strong faith。最可怕的敵人,就是沒有堅強的信念。

18、Faith is useful, but it does not have the truth。信念是有益的,但它不具有真理性

19、Brambling opera fan Chai, security awareness Swan swim。燕雀戲藩柴,安識鴻鵠遊。

20、Poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition。窮且益堅,不墜青雲之志。

21、There is no ideal life of the people, is a poor man。生活中沒有理想的人,是可憐的人。

22、Forget all the past smoke, selfless world wide。如煙往事俱忘卻,心底無私天地寬。

23、Egoistic heart, is the obstacle of live and let live。自私自利之心,是立人達人之障。

24、A man can not be proud, proud and can not do without。做人不可有傲態,不可無傲骨。

25、An empty sack, not engrossed in their wealth。不慼慼於貧賤,不汲汲於富貴。

26、Poverty is no shame, shame is poor without records。貧不足羞,可羞是貧而無志。

27、Belief! One with belief can brave any storm。信念!有信念的人經得起任何風暴。

28、Would rather break bones, can not give up the faith。寧肯折斷骨頭,不能放棄信念。

29、Hope is the wind and rain in the night Xiao Xia。希望是在風雨之夜所現的曉霞。

30、Hope is the soul of the second unfortunate people。希望是不幸之人的第二靈魂。

31、One year spent similar, each year is different。年年歲歲花相似,歲歲年年人不同。

32、Death belongs to the past, the future belongs to you。過去屬於死神,未來屬於你自己。

33、The only thing we do not correct the shortcoming is weak。我們唯一不會改正的缺點是軟弱。

34、People often seek favorable, not seeking their own interests。常求有利別人,不求有利自己。

35、Believe yourself first, then others will believe in you。先相信你自己,然後別人纔會相信你。

36、Not every years old and still, still can make the male die。壯心未與年俱老,死去猶能作鬼雄。

37、It must also learn。 Not to learn, not to be a learning。才須學也。非學無以廣才,非志無以成學。

38、All self serving life, are non rational, animal life。一切利己的生活,都是非理性的,動物的生活。

39、The cause of justice to have faith and great power。正義的事業能夠產生堅定信念和巨大的力量。

40、By faith the best experience and clear thought to support。信念最好能由經驗和明確的思想來支持。

41、Taishan did not see before, and not scared of thunder and Pozhu。太山在前而不見,疾雷破柱而不驚。

42、The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal。世界上最快樂的事,莫過於爲理想而奮鬥。

43、No way to get it, faith。 But what can't do without it。拿它沒辦法,信念。但是沒有它什麼也做不成。

44、Fatalism is those who lack the strength of the weak excuse。宿命論是那些缺乏意志力的弱者的藉口。

45、The gentleman knows what is right; the mean person keeps his mind only on gains君子喻於義,小人喻於利。

46、When you want to fall one by one, you have a firm, calm!當你的希望一個個落空,你也要堅定,要沉着!

47、This belief is empty, because life goes on to blind confidence。這種信念是空的,只因生命在繼續才盲目地產生信念。

48、Wisdom is to do things, for the soul, is based on religion。智慧是做事用的,對於靈魂來說,靠的是信仰。

49、People alive is always interesting, even if the trouble is also interesting。人活着總是有趣的,即便是煩惱也是有趣的。

50、The value of life, and not in time, but to measure the depth of the。人生的價值,並不是用時間,而是用深度去衡量的。

51、All of life's meaning lies in exploring the unknown things。生命的全部的意義在於無窮地探索尚未知道的東西。

52、Courage and belief, often make the end of victory in battle。勇敢和必勝的信念,常使戰鬥得以勝利結束

53、No ideal and irresolute and hesitant is a pathetic psychology。毫無理想而又優柔寡斷是一種可悲的心理。

54、Thinking of a person, it is really a person with boundless power。一個能思想的人,才真是一個力量無邊的人。

55、If a person has enough faith, he will be able to create a miracle。如果一個人有足夠的信念,他就能創造奇蹟。

56、Mirs day with the wind, the ninety thousand rise directly to a high position。大鵬一日同風起,扶搖直上九萬里。

57、True greatness of a man is that he can realize his small。一個人的真正偉大之處就在於他能夠認識到自己的渺小。

58、Have the triumphalism of person to become the winner of the battle。有必勝信念的人才能成爲戰場上的勝利者。

59、A strong desire of people once generated, will soon into belief。人的強烈願望一旦產生,就很快會轉變成信念。

60、Great works not only by force, not to move or retreat is by faith。偉大的作品不只是靠力量完成,更是靠堅定不移的信念。

61、Faith, you have nothing to do with it, but without it you can't do what。信念,你拿它沒辦法,但是沒有它你什麼也做不成。

62、Would rather like proud Dushou faith, who is not to swim on。寧肯孑然而自豪地獨守信念,也莫不辨是非地隨波逐流。

63、In the thorns on the road, but the faith and patience to open up a broad road。在荊棘道路上,惟有信念和忍耐能開闢出康莊大道。

64、It is the same resolution is not rather like proud to swim alone in faith。也莫不辨是非地隨波逐流寧肯孑然而自豪地獨守信念。

65、Just because life goes on to blindly produce belief, this belief is empty。只因生命在繼續才盲目地產生信念,這種信念是空的。

66、Laojifuli, One aims for the far-off future。 martyrs Munian, in high aspirations。老驥伏櫪,志在千里;烈士暮年,壯心不已。

67、Faith only in positive action, ability can be strengthened and sharpen。信念只有在積極的行動之中,才幹才能得到加強和磨勵。

68、A person only, ability to use in practice, in order to know their ability。一個人,只有在實踐中運用能力,才能知道自己的能力。

69、Life should be like a candle, burns from the top to the bottom, is always bright。人生應該如蠟燭一樣,從頂燃到底,一直都是光明的。

70、Birth, death is also a male ghost, the thought of Xiang, refused to jiangdong。生當作人傑,死亦爲鬼雄,至今思項羽,不肯過江東。

71、It is the same resolution is not swim like, rather proud Dushou belief。也莫不辨是非地隨波逐流,寧肯孑然而自豪地獨守信念。

72、People have no faith does not depend on the chain or any other external pressure。人有沒有信念並非取決於鐵鏈或任何其他外在的壓力。

73、One developed by those who have faith in the power, greater than 99 is only interested in。一個有信念者所開發出的力量,大於99個只有興趣者。

74、Small and whom not to be evil, not good for small。 But the good morality, to people。勿以惡小而爲之,勿以善小而不爲。惟賢惟德,能服於人。

75、A common cause, common struggle, can make people produce all the power to endure。共同的事業,共同的鬥爭,可以使人們產生忍受一切的力量。

76、Life like this cup of liquor, again and again without refining ah, will not be so delicious!生活真象這杯濃酒,不經三番五次的提煉呵,就不會這樣可口!

77、Faith is the bird that, when the dawn is still dark, feels the light, to sing the song。信念是鳥,它在黎明仍然黑暗之際,感覺到了光明,唱出了歌。

78、As long as a person strongly unremittingly in pursuit, he will be able to achieve the purpose of。一個人只要強烈地堅持不懈地追求,他就能達到目的。

79、As long as the bad luck unbeatable faith, the light of hope will dispel the cloud of despair。只要厄運打不垮信念,希望之光就會驅散絕望之雲。

80、The value of a person, should see what his contribution, and should not look at what he achieved。一個人的價值,應該看他貢獻什麼,而不應當看他取得什麼。

81、Li ancient events are not only, but also have a strong ability above common people, unflinching will。古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有堅忍不拔之志。

82、Effect of belief in the success of the human brain as the alarm, will you need when you wake up。成功的信念在人腦中的作用就如鬧鐘,會在你需要時將你喚醒。