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1、愛是春暖花開時對你滿滿的笑意。Love is blooming for you full of happiness。


2、五月萬枝榴花照眼明,枝間時見子初成。Thousands of may pomegranate eyes bright, branches into early you then the son。

3、那盛開的花朵兒,不正像一張張美麗可愛的臉兒嗎?The blooming flower bud, not just like every beautiful and lovely face?

4、溪上新荷初出水,花房半弄微紅。The stream water at the beginning of the new lotus greenhouse half reddish。

5、喇叭花舉起紫紅色的大喇叭,好像在吹着一支好聽的晨曲。Amaryllis raise purple loudspeakers, as if in blowing a nice alba。

6、不是花中偏愛菊,此花開盡更無花。Is not a preference chrysanthemum flowers, the flower blooms do no more。

7、黑玫瑰如同閃亮的珍珠,在夜光中綻放着無言的尊貴。Black roses, like a shining pearl in the luminous noble blooming in silence。

8、石竹花從紛亂的雜草中探出頭,它們粉紅色的笑臉真好看!Pink from the chaos of the weed out that's a nice pink smiley face!

9、田野裏,一片紅豔豔的紫雲英,像燃起的熊熊火焰。In the field, a piece of red clover, like the blazing fire。

10、開花時節,白的,紫的,粉的,水紅的,姿色秀麗。The flowering season, white, purple, pink, hot pink, beautiful appearance。

11、蓓蕾有幾分苦,待到花開滿枝香。Bud is somewhat bitter, until fragrant flowers blooming branches。

12、朵朵吊鐘花,掛在翠綠的葉子間,火烤一樣紅豔耀眼。Countless bellflower, among the green leaves, like fire red glare。

13、瑰花很鮮豔,紅中泛白,呈胭脂色,像小女孩的臉,那麼可愛。A rose flower is very bright, red white, a rouge color, like a little girl's face, so cute。

14、可愛的玫瑰花呀,像一團團燃燒着青春的火焰,個個都是那樣的紅,那樣的美!O lovely rose, like clouds of youth burning fire, everyone is so red, so beautiful!

15、啊,牽牛花開了。六角形的花,像個小酒杯,在陽光的照耀下顯得更加顯眼奪目。Ah, morning glory。 Hexagonal flower, like a small glass, the sun appears more prominent。

16、微風過處,那碧綠的隨風起伏,就像一位舞女在擺動她那美麗的長裙。Breeze, the green wind ups and downs, like a dancer in a swinging her beautiful dress。

17、殷紅的玫瑰馥郁芬芳,鋪成通往教皇廳華美嬌豔的地毯。Deep red rose fragrant fragrance, spread into the carpet to the Pope hall colorful delicate and charming。

18、滿塘的荷花荷葉,遠遠望去就像碧波上蕩着點點五顏六色的帆,煞是好看。Pond lotus lotus leaf, which looked from a distance like blue waves in little colorful sails, and on it。

19、雞冠花,遠遠看去紅得像一團火。走近一看,嗬,朵朵都像大公雞頭上的紅冠子。Cockscomb, far look like a red ball of fire。 Approached a look, wow, blossoming like a big cock head red comb。

20、它那一片片橢圓形的葉子,一朵朵美麗的花兒,都在金色的陽光中點頭含笑,好像在歡迎你。It pieces of oval leaves, yellow flowers, in the golden sunshine nodded with a smile, as if in welcome you。

21、喇叭花的葉子碧綠碧綠的,稠密得很,遠遠看去,就像一匹綠布掛在空中。Morning glory leaves luxuriantly green, very dense, distance, like a green cloth hanging in the air。

22、望着色彩豔麗的一大片櫻花,我真懷疑是九天仙女把撕碎的綵緞撒向人間。Looking at the colorful a large cherry blossom, I really doubt is nine days fairy put shredded color satin sprinkled on the earth。

23、月季紅豔豔的花兒在枝頭怒放,顏色是那麼濃,那麼純,沒有一點雜色,簡直像一團燃燒的火焰。Chinese rose red flowers in full bloom in the branches, the color is so strong, so pure, no noise, like a burning flame。

24、粉紅的桃花,雪白的梨花,嬌豔的海棠花,筆盈盈地競相怒放。Pink peach blossom, white pear flower, delicate and charming Chinese flowering crab-apple, ying ying to compete to in full bloom。

25、如玉的白玫瑰冰雪純潔,閃爍着月光般寒冷的色彩玫瑰亂舞,勾勒出你的身形,你的容貌。Jade snow pure white roses, shimmering moonlight bleak color roses flurry, the outline of your body, your appearance。

26、一簇簇鮮豔的花朵,聚集在葉片下,猶如無數只蝴蝶,微微張開翅膀,停在空中,凝然不動。Clusters of bright flowers, gathered together under the blade, like countless butterflies, slightly open wings, parked in the air, my day-dreaming gaze。

27、您瞧那盆水仙花,花盆裏的水清亮亮的,葉子綠盈盈的,花兒白絲絲的,恰似凌波仙子在水上漂浮。You see the daffodils, the water in the pot clean bright, green leaves ying ying, white silk flowers, like narcissus beauty floating on the water。

28、花盆裏。有一株茂盛的鬱金香。綻開的花朵是黑色的。微微四散的花瓣如同黑色的絲絨。散發出陣陣清香。The flowerpot。 A strain of the lush tulips。 Bursting flowers are black。 The scattered petals slightly as the black velvet。 Send out a blast a faint scent。

29、玫瑰花在秋季開花,開時足有手掌那麼大。一朵朵含苞欲放的玫瑰花如同嬌羞嫵媚的少女,笑臉含春,喜迎遊人。Rose blooming in the autumn, when open with the palm of your hand。 Yellow rose bud like the charming charming girl, smiling face with spring, welcome visitors。

30、那株紫丁香到了暮春,滿樹便開出字色的小花,那話並不豔麗,想筆尖大小,綻放開來,卻純淨雅潔,猶如一片紫色的迷離的霧。The strain of lilacs in the spring, full of trees then leave word color floret, that is not gorgeous, want to tip size, bloom, but pure and graceful, like a piece of purple mist blurred。