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想爲V For Vendetta 這部優秀的電影寫點什麼,但是發現能寫的都被寫過了,恐怖主義與暴力革命、政府的陰謀和無政府主義……




E- Who are you?

V- Who?Who is but the form following the function of what I am is a man in a mask.

E- Oh, I can see that.

V- Of course you can.I'm not questioning your powers of observation.I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.

E- Right.

V- But on this most auspicious of it me then, in lieu of the more commonplace suggest the character of this

dramatis à!In view, a humble vaudevillian vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of

visage, no mere veneer of a vestige of the vox populi,now vacant, ver, this valorous visitation of a

bygone vexation stands has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vouchsafing the

violently vicious and voracious violation of only verdict is vengeance,a as a votive not in vain,for the

value and veracity of l one day vindicate the vigilant and the ly, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most

let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you may call me V

E- Are you, like, a crazy person?

V- I am quite sure they will say to whom, might I ask, am I speaking?

E- I'm Evey.

V- Evey?E-vey. Of course you are.

E- What does that mean?

V- It means that I, like not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence.
















Good evening, w me first to apologize .I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine,the security of the familiar,the tranquility of repetition.I enjoy them as much as any in the spirit of eby important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful, bloody struggle are celebrated with a nice holiday.I thought we could mark this November the 5th a day that is, sadly,no longer remembered by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little e are, of course,those who do not want us to now, orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their ? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their s offer the means to meaning and, for those who will listen,the enunciation of the truth is :there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice,intolerance and where once you had the freedom to object to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting submission.

How did this happen? Who's to blame?Certainly there are those who are more responsible than they will be held again, truth be told,if you're looking for the guilty you need only look into a mirror.I know why you did it.I know you were wouldn't be? War, terror, e were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.

Fear got the best of in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam promised you order,he promised you peace and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night, I sought to end that night,I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has than 400 years ago, a great citizen wished to imbed the 5th of November forever in our hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than are if you've seen nothing ,if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you,then I would suggest that you allow the 5th of November to pass if you see what I see ,if you feel as I feel,and if you would seek as I seek,then I ask you to stand beside me,one year from tonight,outside the gates of together, we shall give them a 5th of November that shall never, ever be forgot.






E-God, I haven't had real butter since I was a little e did you get it?

V-A government supply train on its way to Chancellor Sutler.

E-You stole this from Chancellor Sutler?


E-You're insane.

V-I dare do all that may become a dares more is none.


V-Very good.

E-My mum, she used to read all his plays to me and ever since,I've always wanted to in plays, I was 9, I played Viola

in Twelfth Night. Mum was very proud.

V-Where is your mother now?

E-She's dead.

V-I'm sorry.

E-Can I ask about what you said on the telly?


E-Did you mean it?

V-Every word.

E-You really think blowing up Parliament's going to make this country a better place?

V-There's no certainty, only opportunity.

E-You can be pretty certain that if anyone does show up Creedy'll black-bag every one of them.

V-People should not be afraid of their rnments should be afraid of their people.

E-And you'll make that happen by blowing up a building?

V-The building is a symbol,as is the act of destroying ols are given power by e, a symbol is meaningless,but with enough

people,blowing up a building can change the world.

E-I wish I believed that was every time I've seen this world change,it's always been for the worse.


E- 上帝,我好久長大後就再也沒有吃到過真黃油了,你從哪裏搞到的?

V- 一趟政府的特供列車,在它爲舒特勒元首送貨的路上

E- 你從元首那裏偷來的?

V- 沒錯。

E- 你瘋了。

V- “我敢做男子漢敢做的所有事,不會有人能更加勇敢。”

E- 出自《麥克白》

V- 非常好。

E- 我媽媽曾經爲我念莎士比亞的所有戲劇,我一直都想在電影或者劇院中表演它們,九歲的時候,我演了中的維歐拉,她是那麼的自豪

V- 你媽媽現在在哪裏?

E- 她死了。

V- 我很遺憾。

E- 我能問下你在電視中說的那些話嗎?

V- 可以。

E- 你是認真的?

V- 每字每句都是。

E- 你真的認爲炸掉議會大樓能讓這個國家變得更好?

V- 沒有確定,只有機會

E- 你一定知道如果那天有人真的出現,克雷迪會把他們全都抓走殺害的。

V- 人民不應該害怕他們的政府,政府應該害怕他們的人民。

E- 而你要炸掉議會大樓,來實現這個目標?

V- 那個建築是個象徵,炸燬它的行爲也一樣。象徵的力量是人民賦予的,沒有人民,象徵也就失去了意義,有了足夠的人民附和,炸燬那座建築就能改變這個世界。

E- 我倒是希望自己相信那是可能的,但是每一次我看到這個世界改變,它都向更黑暗的地方滑落。



E- What is that?

G- It's a copy of the Koran, 14th century.

E- Are you a Muslim?

G- No, I'm in television.

E- But why would you keep it?

G- I don't have to be Muslim to find the images beautiful, poetry moving.

E- Is it worth it?If they found that here.

G- I told you,you'd be the least of my worries.

E- Thank you, k you so much.

G- It's all right.

E- This whole thing started the night he blew up the Old Bailey.I was on my way here, and...

G- see, we are both fugitives in our own way.

E- But...

G- You're wondering were invited here to supper in the first my appetites were for less conventional rtunately,

a man in my position is expected to entertain young and attractive ladies like use in this world,if I were to invite who I

desired I would undoubtedly find myself without a home, let alone a television show.

E- I'm sorry.

G- Not as sorry as I truth is, after so many years you begin to lose more than just your wear a mask for so long,you forget who you were beneath it.


E- 這是什麼?

G- 《古蘭經》的14世紀版本。

E- 你是穆斯林?

G- 不,我是電視人。

E- 那你爲什麼收藏這書?

G- 我不一定要成爲穆斯林才能欣賞書中美麗的圖畫和動人的詩句。

E- 這樣做值得嗎?如果祕密警察發現這裏……

G- 我和你說過,你是我最小的麻煩。

E- 謝謝你,Gordon,非常感謝。

G- 這沒什麼。

E- 這整件事都開始於V炸掉最高法院的那天晚上,我正在來這裏的路上……

Evey發現Gordon 的牆上貼着同性戀的照片。

G- 是的,如你所見,我們都是在躲避的逃犯。

E- 但是……

G- 你可能在想爲什麼……你當初會被邀請到這裏來吃晚飯,既然我的“偏好”與常人不同,不幸的是,人們認爲一個像我這樣地位的男人應該取悅象你這樣有美麗的女士,


E- 我很遺憾。

G- 我更加遺憾,事實上,這些年的掩飾讓我失去的不只是“胃口”,帶着面具太久了,就會忘了面具下的真實自己。



D- It's you, isn't it? You've come to kill me.

V- Yes.

D- Thank God.……After what happened,after what they did,I thought about killing I knew that one day you'd come for me.I didn't

know what they were going to do.I swear to my journal.

V- What they did was only possible because of you.

D- Oppenheimer was able to change more than the course of a changed the entire course of human it wrong to hold on to that

kind of hope?

V- I have not come for what you hoped to do.I've come for what you did.

D- It's funny.I was given one of your roses today.I wasn't sure you were the terrorist until I saw a strange coincidence,that I

should be given one today.

V- There are no coincidences, the illusion of coincidence.I have another this one is for you.

D- You're going to kill me now?

V- I killed you 10 minutes ago while you slept.

D- Is there any pain?

V- No.

D- Thank it meaningless to apologize?

V- Never.

D- I'm so sorry.


D- 是你嗎?你來殺我了。

V- 對。

D- 感謝上帝,那些事情發生後,我做了那些事情後,我想到過自殺,但是我知道總有一天你回來復仇的。我不知道他們會那麼做,我發誓,你可以看我的日記。

V- 如果沒有你,他們做不到那些事情。

D- 奧本海默通過原子彈不僅改變了戰爭的進程,還改變了人類的歷史,難道保有這樣的希望也是錯誤的嗎?

V- 我來找你,並非爲你的希望,而爲你的所爲。

D- 有趣的是,今天有人給了我一支玫瑰。我不確定那個恐怖分子就是你知道我看到那玫瑰,真是奇怪的`巧合不是嗎?我今天得到了玫瑰。

V- 這世上沒有巧合,只有巧合的錯覺。我這裏有另外一支玫瑰,它是給你的。

D- 你現在要殺我了?

V- 我十分鐘前就殺了你,在你睡覺的時候。

D- 會很疼嗎?

V- 不會。

D- 謝謝你,現在道歉是否已經沒有意義?

V- 永遠不會。

D- 我很抱歉……



I know there's no way I can convince you this is not one of their tricks, but I don't care.I am name is Valerie.I don't think I'll live much longer,and I wanted to tell someone about my is the only autobiography that I will ever write and, God I'm writing it on toilet paper.

I was born in Nottingham in 1985.I don't remember much of those early years,but I do remember the grandmother owned a farm in Tottle Brook and she used to tell me that God was in the rain.I passed my 11 Plus and went to girls' was at school that I met my first name was was her were beautiful.I thought we would love each other forever.I remember our teacher telling us that it was an adolescent phase that people h did.I didn' 2002, I fell in love with a girl named year I came out to my parents.I couldn't have done it without Chris holding my father wouldn't look at told me to go and never come mother said I'd only told them the that so selfish?Our integrity sells for so little,but it is all we really is the very last inch of within that inch we are free.

I'd always known what I wanted to do with my life and in 2015 I starred in my first film,The Salt was the most important role of my because of my career but because that was how I met first time we kissed, I knew I never wanted to kiss any other lips but hers moved to a small flat in London grew Scarlet Carsons for me in our window box and our place always smelt of roses.

Those were the best years of my America's war grew worse and worse,and eventually came to r that, there were no roses for anyone.I remember how the meaning of words began to unfamiliar words like "collateral" and "rendition" became frightening while things like "Norsefire" and the "Articles of Allegiance" became powerful.I remember how "different" became dangerous.

I still don't understand it why they hate us so took Ruth while she was out buying food. I've never cried so hard in my wasn't long till they came for me.

It seems strange that my life should end in such a terrible for three years,I had roses and apologized to no one.I shall die y inch of me shall y is small, and it is fragile,and it is the only thing in the world worth must never lose it or give it must never let them take it from us.I hope that, whoever you are,you escape this place.I hope that the world turns and that things get what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that even though I do not know you and even though I may never meet you laugh with you, cry with you or kiss you,I love all my heart I love you.










E- You did this to me?You cut my hair?You tortured me?You tortured ?

V- You said you wanted to live without fear.I wish there'd been an easier way but there wasn't.

E- Oh, my God.

V- I know you may never forgive me but nor will you understand how hard it was for y day, I saw in myself everything you see in

me y day, I wanted to end each time you refused to give in,I knew I couldn't.

E- You're sick! You're evil!

V- You could have ended could have given in, but you didn'?

E- Leave me alone! I hate you!

V- That's it! See, at first,I thought it was hate was all I built my world, imprisoned me taught me how to eat,how to drink,

how to breathe.I thought I'd die with all the hate in my then something happened to me just as it happened to you.

E- Shut up! I don't want to hear your lies!

V- Your own father said that artists use lies to tell the , I created a because you believed it,you found something true

about yourself.

E- No.

V- What was true in that cell is true you felt in there has nothing to do with me.

E- I can't feel anything anymore!

V- Don't run from it, 've been running all your life.

E- I can't... Can't ma. When I was little.

V- Listen to me, may be the most important moment of your life. Commit to took your parents from took your brother

from put you in a cell and took everything they could take except your you believed that was all there was, didn't you?

The only thing you had left was your life, but it wasn't.

E- Oh, please.

V- You found something that cell, you found something that mattered more to you than they threatened to kill you unless you

gave what they wanted you told them you'd rather faced your death, were calm. You were to feel now what you

felt then.

E- Oh, God.I felt

V- Yes?

E- I'm dizzy.I need se, I need to be outside.

V- There's a 'll take us to the roof.


E- 這些都是你做的?你剪掉了我的頭髮?你折磨我?爲什麼?

V- 你說你想擺脫恐懼,我情願有更輕鬆的方法做到,但是沒有。

E- 哦,上帝阿。

V- 我知道你也許永遠也不會原諒我或者瞭解這麼做對我來說有多難。每天,我對自己的感覺就像你現在對我的感覺一樣糟,每天,我都希望結束這種折磨,但是每次你拒


E- 你是變態!你太邪惡了!

V- 你本可以結束它的,你本可以放棄的,爲什麼不?爲什麼?

E- 走開!我恨你!

V- 就是恨!瞧,一開始,我也以爲是仇恨,仇恨充滿了我的生活,構築了我的世界,禁錮了我,叫我如何吃飯,如何喝水,如何呼吸。我以爲自己會帶着一身的仇恨而死


E- 閉嘴,我不想聽你的謊言!

V- 你自己的父親說過藝術家用謊言來訴說真相,是的,我製造了一個謊言,但是因爲你相信了他,你找到了一些關於自己的真相。

E- 不。

V- 在那間牢房裏真實的在這裏也同樣真實,你在那裏感受到的並不是因爲我。

E- 我現在什麼都感受不到了!

V- 不要逃避,Evey。你這一生都在逃避。

E- 我不能……呼吸,我小時候……有哮喘。

V- 聽我說,Evey。這也許是你生命中最緊要的關頭,渡過它!他們奪走了你的父母,奪走了你的兄弟,他們把你關入了牢房奪去了能奪去的一切,除了你的性命,而你以爲


E- 別說了!

V- 你找到了一些別的東西,在那間牢房裏,你找到了一些比生命更重要的東西。當他們威脅要你合作否則就殺掉你的時候,你告訴他們你寧可死。你直面死亡,Evey。你冷


E- 哦上帝,我感到……

V- 什麼?

E- 我有點暈,我需要新鮮空氣,請帶我到外面去。

V- 這裏有能到達屋頂的電梯。



E- These tracks lead to Parliament.

V- Yes.

E- Then it's really going to happen, isn't it?

V- It will if you want it to.

E- What?

V- This is my gift to you, ything that I have: My home, my books, the gallery, this train I'm leaving to you to do with what you


E- Is this another trick, V?

V- No. No more tricks. No more the truth is, you made me understand that I was wrong that the choice to pull this lever

is not mine to make.

E- Why?

V- Because this world ,the world that I'm a part of and that I helped shape, will end tomorrow,a different world will begin that

different people will shape,and this choice belongs to them.

E- Where are you going?

V- The time has come for me to meet my maker and to repay him in kind for all that he's done.

E- V, wait!Please, you don't have to do could let it could leave here together.

V- No. You were right about what I am.I have no tree waiting for I want, all I deserve,is at the end of that tunnel.

E- That's not true.

V- I can't.


E- 這鐵軌通往議會。

V- 沒錯。

E- 你真的要炸掉議會?

V- 這取決於你。

E- 什麼?

V- 這是我給你的禮物,Evey。我擁有的一切:我的家,我的書,我的畫廊,這輛列車,我都留給你去處置。

E- 這又是什麼把戲,V?

V- 不,不再有把戲,不再有謊言,只有真相,真相就是:你讓我認識到我錯了,是否啓動這輛列車不應該由我來決定。

E- 爲什麼?

V- 因爲這個世界,這個我存在於並致力於改變的世界,今晚就要結束了,而明天,一個完全不同的世界將會誕生,那個世界的人民將改造他,而這個決定應該由他們來做。

E- 你去哪裏?

V- 是時候去見創造我的人並讓他受到“回報”了。

E- V,等等!請不要去,你不需要這麼做,忘了那些事情吧,我們可以一起離開這裏。

V- 不,你對我的評價是正確的,“沒有樹在等着我”,我想要的,我應得的,我的宿命,就在那軌道的盡頭。

E- 那不是真的!

Evey 親吻了V

V- 我不能……



C- Now that's done with it's time to have a look at your off your mask.

V- No.

C- Defiant to the end, huh?You won't cry like him, will you?You're not afraid of 're like me.

V- The only thing you and I have in common,Mr. Creedy, is we're both about to die.

C- How do you imagine that's gonna happen?

V- With my hands around your neck.

C- are you gonna do, huh?We've swept this 've got ing but your bloody knives and your fancy karate

have guns.

V- No, you have bullets and the hope that when your guns are empty I'm no longer standing,because if I am ,you'll all be dead before you've


C- That's impossible!Kill him.

V- My turn.

C- Die! Die!Why won't you die?Why won't you die?

V- Beneath this mask there is more than ath this mask there is an idea,Mr. ideas are bulletproof.


C- 現在是時候看看你的真面目了,摘下面具。

V- 不。


C- 反抗到底,恩?你不會像他(已經被殺死的最高元首舒特勒)一樣哭吧?你同我一樣,不畏懼死亡。

V- 我們唯一的相同點,Creedy先生,是都快要死了。

C- 在你的想象中那如何發生?

V- 我用雙手把你掐死。

C- 胡說八道,你能怎樣?我們搜查了這個地方,除了那幾把破刀和花哨的空手道道具,你什麼都沒有,而我們有槍。

V- 不,你們有子彈和把子彈射光前我已經倒下的希望,因爲如果我沒有倒下,在你們換彈夾前,都會死於我的刀下。

C- 那不可能,殺了他!


V- 輪到我了。

V用華麗的刀法殺死了所有警察,只剩下Creedy 還在向他射擊,V向他走去。

C- 死吧,死!你爲什麼不死?爲什麼不死?

V- 在這面具下的不僅僅是血肉,在這面具下的是信念,而信念,Creedy先生,是殺不死的。




只要保持那最後的一英寸,我們都是自由的兒子,我們聽從自由的召喚,我們都會變成復仇的勇士。F:Finch 探長

E- Tell me,do you like music, Mr. Finch?

F- That music?

E- music.

F- Who was he?

E- He was Edmond he was my father and my was you and was all of us.

E:No one will ever forget that night and what it meant for this I will never forget the man and what he meant to me.


E- 告訴我,你喜歡音樂嗎,Finch先生?

F- 這個音樂?(柴科夫斯基的《1812年序曲》)


E- 對,這是他的最愛。

F- 他到底是誰?

E- 他是埃德蒙·鄧斯特(《基督山伯爵》主角,復仇英雄的典範,這部小說改編的電影是V的最愛。)。他是我的父親。他是我的母親。他是我的兄弟。他是我的朋友。他是你也是我,他是所有的人。
